Объекты жилищного и общественного назначения
Объект №1
The Garden contains 50 different gardens and plant collections. There is a serene cascade waterfall, as well as wetlands and a 50-acre (20 ha) tract of original, never-logged, old-growth New York forest.
Объект №2
The Garden contains 50 different gardens and plant collections. There is a serene cascade waterfall, as well as wetlands and a 50-acre (20 ha) tract of original, never-logged, old-growth New York forest.
Объект №3
The Garden contains 50 different gardens and plant collections. There is a serene cascade waterfall, as well as wetlands and a 50-acre (20 ha) tract of original, never-logged, old-growth New York forest.
Объект №4
The Garden contains 50 different gardens and plant collections. There is a serene cascade waterfall, as well as wetlands and a 50-acre (20 ha) tract of original, never-logged, old-growth New York forest.
Наши контакты
Адрес: г. Минск, ул. Прушинских 31 А, офис 91

Режим работы: с 9.00 до 17.20

Email: info@innovacii.by

Телефоны / факс: +375 17 242 26 23, +375 29 761 70 72

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